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Depression- A Spiritual Tool

Updated: Feb 5, 2019

Evaluating and Making Changes In Your Life

I originally wrote this for The Edge Magazine a couple years ago. It was my first article to appear in print (I was so excited)! The challenging part was getting it to less then 700 words. You see, I started writing and 6 pages later I realized I was in trouble. “How do I make this less then 700 words?” I whined to my husband. The following paragraphs are what it was reduced to. Depression and its spiritual links are a subject I speak with at length about to my clients (always from an energetic view point, my services are not meant to replace licensed medical professionals). I can’t fit it all in this blog post, so I am sure there will be more posts to come.

Again, this article is about depression when we look at it as a spiritual tool. There are many lifestyle and biological causes and reasons for depression (and other spiritual reasons…like negative entities), those are not the focus of this article. Depression can also be complex, and I do not wish to over simplify its solutions. Can reading a single book cure your depression? Probably not, but changing your lifestyle and practicing mindfulness have been known to help if you suffer from depression.


Depression is often looked at simply as an illness. A condition that is “treated”, not cured, by self-medicating with substances, or prescriptions that can elicit severe side effects. However, it is a much deeper problem. It is a symptom of the culture we now live in- an unnatural toxic lifestyle which plays a huge role in the escalation of this epidemic that research now supports. Humans do not thrive in sedentary, isolated, or stressful lives consuming foods created by science. Depression is a powerful spiritual force meant to steer us in the “right” direction. In this article, I am going to focus on depression’s link to spirituality.

For 8 years of my young, adult life I was on medication for depression, anxiety, and insomnia. When I was 24 I experienced my first spiritual ascension that cleared my mind giving me the ability to see the problem was a spiritual issue not a physical or mental illness. I was a psychic medium and empath without spiritual boundaries and living a life not in tune with my life purpose. I worked on disciplining my mind and getting my ego based fear, that had been controlling every aspect of my life, under control through meditation and spiritual practice. By working on those issues, I radically changed my life from a victim of it to creating a life I love.

When clients come to me with depression it is not their lifestyle I focus on, although it is discussed. It is their life. I explain depression as an ingenious roadblock strategically placed into peoples’ lives as a last-ditch effort to get you to pause. It’s the Universes way of wanting you to stop what you are doing and evaluate your life because something isn’t working. When depression hits us, there is a reason for it. Maybe we are in careers that aren’t authentic to us or a relationship that is toxic. We aren’t following our life path and being true to ourselves. The Universe and our souls want us to be happy, not workhorses that follow societies expectations and standards. We have dreams and passions so we can follow them, they are breadcrumbs to fulfill our purpose. When faced with depression you are “uncomfortable” for a reason. It is time to reevaluate and pivot or completely change course. The Universe won’t allow us to “go the wrong way” and this is our warning.

What do you love about your life and what causes you pain?

The anxiety that often accompanies depression is not living in the present moment. When we live in the past it indicates there are issues that need to be addressed and healed before we can move forward in our highest potential. Consistently worrying about the future is needing to release the ego based fear, trust in the Universe, and learn to live in the flow.

*How can depression be healed using a spiritual approach?

-For starters, physically make a list of what is working and what inspires gratitude in your life. Practicing gratitude alone can bring huge miracles into your life (I often recommend the 21-day workbook “The Magic”).

-Next make a list of what is not working. Go through the list and evaluate the steps needed to alter your path in the right direction. Start with baby steps. If you only focus on the large change itself, it will seem like an overwhelming and impossible goal. Your ego will kick in and tell you all the reasons you “can’t” succeed. Just taking steps towards your goal builds momentum and joy.

-Getting an Energy Healing can make an amazing difference. Not only can it alleviate stress, depression and anxiety, it removes blocks, limiting beliefs, fear, and clears your mind so you can see how to move forward.

-Using natural remedies like herbs, oils, and crystals can bring relief as well.

-Meditation has been a key pillar in many spiritual practices to help keep equanimity, mindfulness, and mental discipline resulting in joy and balance.


Instead of feeling overwhelmed by depression, learn from it. Allow yourself to stop and contemplate what it is attempting to communicate. View it as a spiritual tool to help you discover a more blissful life.


Allie Maurer is an International Spiritual Teacher that uses her abilities as a Psychic, Medium, and Healer to empower others on their own journeys. Through Private Sessions, Spiritual Mentorship, Life-Coaching and Events; she teaches clients around the globe how to embrace their path, move beyond fear and blocks, and powerfully create the vibrant life they desire. Discover why thousands of people around the world turn to her for guidance...

She also adores working with animals

as an Animal Communicator and Animal Healer!

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